Change is difficult. Resisting change is dangerous. During a sabbatical which was engulfed in ministry and life transition, one question kept coming to mind. Why do I do the things that I do? Within that self-reflection, I asked, “Why have I persevered in speaking truth at Simple Theology, Messy Life since 2015?” Where Are They […]
8 Dangerous Worldly Counsels And Why They Are Ungodly
‘Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.’ Psalm 1:1 Welcome to a guest post by my new friend Grace Oji! Her writing is inspiring and she stays close to God’s word. Grace is one of the kindest, most gracious people I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with. You can […]
7 Amazing New Features in Logos 10 Bible Software
Logos 10 Bible software is here! Read on to check out my complete review of this popular Bible study software highlighting 7 amazing features! More Than Your Average Bible Software I am a Faithlife/Logos Bible Software affiliate partner. As such, I have received advanced access to Logos 10 in return for an unbiased and honest review. […]
7 Letters of Revelation Laodicea: Indifferent Christianity brings Death
The church in Laodicea, along with Sardis, received the harshest condemnation from Jesus. However, Jesus still invited this indifferent church back into relationship with Him, while providing a very difficult warning. We’re looking at how the Revelation Letter to the church in Laodicea speaks to us today. And to the angel of the church in […]
7 Letters of Revelation Philadelphia: Being Faithful With What You Have
The church in Philadelphia was known for their faithfulness, yet Jesus still warned them about perseverance and holding on strongly to their faith. In His Revelation letter to the church in Philadelphia, Jesus offers enormous encouragement as well as serious implications to us today as well. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia […]
7 Letters of Revelation Sardis: Reputation vs Character
Reputation is what can more easily be seen. Character is often unseen. The Revelation letter to the church in Sardis is not like the others. The most difficult part of this letter is that you will find it applicable to churches and Christians today. Difficult when you see why Sardis is condemned the harshest. It […]