Do you remember the outrageous so-called evangelist who created controversy over the infamous Starbucks Christmas Red Cups?
I won’t even dignify this attention seeking self-proclaimed “social media personality” with a link to his ridiculous YouTube video or to his website, but if you want to go find him yourself his name is Joshua Feuerstein.
Stop it already
Christians, if you have bought into this circus act and give people like Mr. Feuerstein the attention they are so desperately seeking, don’t feel bad, just stop. These are the tirades that highlight for us Christians that this is not our best hour, and that these are not our best chosen battles.
This is nothing more than a self-promoter who has exploited people’s emotions over something he has absolutely no knowledge of by bashing a secular coffee company for not promoting Christian values.
Newsflash, Mr. Feuerstein…neither are you.
So please friends, don’t allow your emotions to lead you into fueling the fire of a non-event.
Why would you bash a secular company for not promoting Christian values?
Starbucks, Christmas and red cups

For those of you who may not know, I have spent over 20 years with my hands in some aspect of the coffee industry. I worked for Starbucks during 8 and a half of those. Let me share with you what I know:
- Starbucks is a secular company
If I had wanted to work with a company that agreed with all of my personal, spiritual, and political beliefs, let me assure you it would not have been Starbucks. But allow me to tell you one thing: Starbucks takes far better care of their people than many employers and gave me opportunities to grow personally, professionally, and even spiritually. Believe it or not, Starbucks actually enabled me to be led into full time ministry! - The cups have never had the words Christmas on them
I am almost certain that I have never, ever seen the word “Christmas” on an annual red cup at Starbucks. - Christmas is in the coffee
Here’s where you have always been able to find Christmas at Starbucks, this year included: Starbucks Christmas Blend Coffee. - Starbucks Advent Calendar
Wait…what? Yes, Advent. I cannot remember how many seasons of my time working for Starbucks that my children enjoyed an Advent calendar sold by none other than Starbucks.
And the news about Starbucks you may have missed
I want to take a moment and highlight something that Starbucks does for our U.S. veterans, service men and women, and their families because the red cup idiocy has drowned out the positive.
In 2013, Starbucks made a commitment to hire at least 10,000 U.S. veterans and military spouses within 5 years. Only 2 years into that promise, Starbucks announced that they had surpassed the half-way mark with over 5,500 vets and military spouses hired way back in 2015. Seriously, go read that link as there is so much more that Starbucks is doing for veterans and their families.
Additionally, Starbucks extended their full tuition coverage benefit to Arizona State University to U.S. service members spouses and children.
Here’s one more just for good measure: D.C. Bakery Trains Veterans in Business While Producing Snacks for Starbucks Stores.
Just stating the facts
Starbucks Coffee Company is no way in need of myself or anyone else defending them. In fact, there are many things that I completely disagree with Starbucks on, but those are things that don’t belong on a blog post and would profit nothing more than to stir up dissension and perhaps to gain social media attention.
As Christians, we need to benefit our culture and not feed the ridiculous attention-seeking, self-promoting people who grab headlines by slinging mud in the name of Christianity.
Starbucks is an imperfect secular company that still puts “Christmas” and “Advent” on their products. Who cares if there’s a snowman or a reindeer on the cup. Do those things represent Christ on earth? Is that what Christmas has become?
Well said!! I find that a person who is secure in their faith does not need to bully others into their views. Love the perspective!!
Thank you, Robert! It had to be shared, can’t let the negative news overpower what’s right and true!
I LOVE this post! You succinctly explained the reasons this so-called controversy deserves no attention. It’s disappointing the lengths to which people will go to gain attention. It’s equally disappointing that viewers and the media bought into this idiotic nonsense. Thank you again for this post. It was a great read and I will gladly share it!
Hi Kwame, you really nailed it! It’s saddening and sickening what gets media attention. Can you believe this guy made national news, including tv? Unreal. I’m more than happy to poke holes in the nonsense. Thank you so much for reading and for sharing!
Finally! Someone with some sense when it comes to this issue. I was astonished when all of this blew up. Who cares what color/pattern Starbucks has on it’s cups? It’s not and never will be a representative for Christianity or Christ.The symbols on Starbuck’s previous cups were secular – stars, reindeer, wreaths – and don’t represent Christian faith at all.
The attacks on nativity displays and the fight to sing religious Christmas songs in public places are much more important issues. Satan uses silly diversions like this to distract us from the things that really matter.
Thank you for this great post, Gene!
Sherry, I agree entirely that this made the national news. What a sad state of affairs, but you’re right…what an effective diversion. Thank you for reading and for your valuable input!
Agreeing with you 100%. I basically had the same argument when there was a blow-up about Veggie Tales not being Biblically accurate. I told the group on that particular forum that VT does not claim to be accurate- just promote Biblical values and that it was their job as parents to teach the truth. That argument died directly after I expressed that opinion because it was the truth. People get so gung-ho over Christmas that they are actually making us(Christians) look bad. Last year someone had a thank you to our firefighters and a local electric company for putting up the holiday lights on our town’s fb site. Immediately someone jumps all over it. I was like, “Are you serious?! They are trying to thank someone for being nice.” Pick your battles….
Thank you for visiting, Denise! It is completely astonishing what stirs controversy. It may have been similar with the Veggie Tales blowout, but I believe far less people were ever offended by a cup than the guy behind this hoped for. It seems many more Christians are offended that he was offended! Bottom line is, it’s a cup and that’s pretty much it!
I’d honestly thought that most of the controversy was (thankfully!) being dominated by those who were pointing out how silly the original video & complaint were — until I started hearing about that a certain presidential candidate is saying that we ought to boycott Starbucks. :/
Oh Hannah…I’d almost forgot about that! If it were not so sad it would actually be entertaining!!
I agree SO HARD. Just stop, you are making us look bad.
While he grabbed a ton of media attention, he didn’t seem to get much support. Thankfully!
Wow! I never knew Starbucks did so many things. I was also unaware of the hoopla about Starbucks and Christmas. Sounds like they are a good company to work for.
They really are a good company to work for, Mary and we don’t have to agree with their politics or even like their coffee to see that. I learned a wealth of knowledge there and wouldn’t trade those 8 and a half years for anything. Having met the CEO, Howard Schultz, I can testify that he is most certainly an authentic, genuine man and a tremendous leader in business.