Reading the Bible to Strengthen Your Faith
Do you desire more spiritual growth, or ever struggle with your faith? Perhaps the better question is who doesn’t, right? That’s because the “faith journey” in this life is a struggle.
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Matthew 26:41
Even if you have never read that verse before, you know that conflict. Maybe you have a desire for spiritual growth, but the battle lingers against your best efforts. Or, maybe your challenge is staying in God’s word on a regular basis. Choosing and following a Bible reading plan can certainly help, but you’ll also need discipline and commitment.
Wait, what? Discipline and commitment? Yes! Faith isn’t easy and neither is spiritual growth! For that matter, life isn’t easy with or without God. Though walking with the Lord definitely makes the junk of life more bearable, following Jesus doesn’t include a “Jesus Bubble.” We do not get to hide behind Christianity and keep the difficulties of the world out. In fact, you’re not supposed to be bubbled up. Jesus makes this clear when he issues the Great Commission saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:16-20).
The Christian life is not always bright sunshine and fresh blooming flowers. The Bible is clear about the warfare involved in this life, whether you follow Christ or not. And, when you and I step out and follow Jesus in obedience, there are challenges, and you prepare for these challenges just like a soldier prepares for war (Ephesians 6:10-20).
Why Study the Bible?
There are a few prevailing thoughts that different people have about the Bible. One is that it’s an old, outdated book full of old fashioned, outdated rules that just aren’t cool. Another is that the Bible is life’s “instruction manual.”
That’s a little bit closer to the truth.
The truth is, the Bible is the written means by which God, the creator of all things, has chosen to reveal himself to us. It gives us everything we could hope for, and all that we need to intimately know the living God. The Bible also teaches us how we can live in a way that is pleasing to God, which ultimately brings a more fulfilling life experience to us.
Here are 3 big reasons why you need to study God’s word.
- Your faith will grow. Paul writes in Romans 10:17 that faith comes to you when you’re exposed to God’s word.
- Your faith will mature. When you read and study the Bible, the Holy Spirit is empowered to instruct you, and that results in spiritual maturity. You’ll find that in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
- Your faith becomes stronger. Jesus taught that when you hear and live by his word, applying his teaching to your life, your faith becomes like a bedrock foundation. He taught that in Matthew 7:24-27.
Reading the Bible for Spiritual Growth
Someone once said that faith is like a muscle, the more you stretch it, the bigger it grows. So how do you grow faith? It begins with spending time between the 2 covers of the Bible. God has promised us that “when we seek Him with all of our heart, we will find Him” (Deuteronomy 4:29).
What’s more, there is no better place to start seeking Him than in the pages of the Bible, since he has revealed himself, his character and his will in his words.
Do you need a new Bible? You can find tons of quality Bibles at great prices in almost any translation: Bible Shop(affiliate link)
4 Posts to Help You Study Your Bible
In the following articles, I have outlined why and how you should have a Bible reading plan and I’ve even called in some friends to help learn how to stick to your plan.
Within these posts, you will also find more ways to read the Bible to discover the living God. And, that is critical if you desire spiritual growth, no matter where you’re at in your Christian life: