Envy says, “I like what I have, I have what I like, but I like what you have more.” I don’t know who said that, but they nailed it. And the sin of envy is powerful, cunning, and deadly. This is one part of the 7 Deadly Sins series. Here’s where you’ll find all 7 in […]
The Truth About Pride: 7 Deadly Sins Part 1
“Don’t let your pride get in the way.” That’s what my Mom used to tell me. Trust me, I gave her plenty of opportunities to remind me of that. Experiencing satisfaction and joy in who we are, or in our accomplishments isn’t such a bad thing is it? And how is that different than being prideful? This is one […]
Recognizing Idolatry in 8 Modern Day Idols
If you were asked to identify idols, where would your mind take you? American Idol? Billy Idol? If you’re like me, you may tend to think about carved wooden figures or giant metallic statues. Or maybe even the Tower of Babel as an enormous, in your face representation of idolatry. Idolatry isn’t just an Eastern mysticism thing and […]
Doing Good is Not Enough
Security breeches and identity theft have become common. So much that you’re probably not shocked to hear when even more than half a million people are impacted. Well, some time ago, there was a leak at a site called Ashley Madison. That is a service that facilitates what they call “affairs and discreet married dating.“ […]
Is Sin Really Sinful?
After writing about the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, I began thinking and writing about the impending arrival of post-Christian America when a reader asked a great and difficult question: What do we do if, as a Christian, what we consider “sin” is acceptable in other areas of society? What you do with sin […]