“To love is to be vulnerable.” -C.S. Lewis A search for the word love returns some interesting results. Like the Cheaters Guide to Love at the New Yorker. And did you know Goodreads has a list of over 85,000 quotes on the subject? That’s 100 pages in your web browser! And I doubt if anyone could […]
The Truth About Anger: 7 Deadly Sins Part 7
Wrath, rage, anger. They’re pretty much the same but with different degrees of severity. Anger is a normal human feeling that’s sometimes justified, and sometimes it’s not. The hard part is dealing with this emotion. This is one part of the 7 Deadly Sins series. Here’s where you’ll find all 7 in one place to read now or bookmark for later! […]
The Truth About Envy: 7 Deadly Sins Part 2
Envy says, “I like what I have, I have what I like, but I like what you have more.” I don’t know who said that, but they nailed it. And the sin of envy is powerful, cunning, and deadly. This is one part of the 7 Deadly Sins series. Here’s where you’ll find all 7 in […]
How to Identify and Overcome Envy
Living cross-culturally consistently provides opportunities to learn. Every week, and during some weeks, every day is a new lesson, a new experience or a character trait further developed. Last week was no exception. Imagine I told you I just won a vacation to the beach in that photo, and those two chairs were my very […]