How can you know if there is only one true God? Have you ever questioned the existence of God? Let me be honest. I have, especially when I was a new Christian. I believe that wrestling with your faith is a part of working out your salvation (Philippians 2:12). I also believe that God is […]
What Is Sanctification?
What does sanctification mean? Someone once gave my wife and I a set of 2 mugs that have images and representations of the Eastern European city where we lived and ministered for 3 years. On one hand, these are simply ceramic coffee mugs. However, they represent our friends and those with whom we served and loved for […]
Is God Male or Female?
Let’s get this out of the way right off: God has no gender. Now, let’s look at how that is and why it matters. What is God’s gender and why does it matter? There is a disturbing trend within Christianity that has been gaining momentum for several years and is now bubbling up to the surface. […]