- Publisher: Crossway
- Available in: Paperback, Kindle
- ISBN: 143356257X
- Published: April 30, 2019
I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review from Crossway Books in participation with Crossway’s Blog Review Program.
If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for any length of time, you might have heard the stories or perhaps you’ve read about some of the “heroes of the faith” as we often call them.
Missionaries like William Carey, Hudson Taylor and Jim Elliott. These are the people who gave much, and more often than not they gave everything to see the cause of Christ carried to the ends of the planet.
If you haven’t heard about the faithful heroes who lay it all down to carry the hope of Christ to far off lands, or if you need a fresh perspective on the subject, then have I got a book for you to read.
A Company of Heroes (affiliate link) by Tim Keesee is a close look at the lives of such heroes, some past and others present.
I’ll admit that as a missionary, this book is near and dear to me. The stories of leaving home and family are familiar. And as I sit here writing this review in the back row of a tiny airplane going from one assignment to the next, I can sit in astonishment at the power and the faithfulness of our God in my own life and ministry, but even more so in the lives of these in A Company of Heroes (affiliate link).
Tim writes this from his travel diary as he connects with missionaries in various, often difficult to reach places. Sometimes his visits are full of heartbreak and other times he enjoys a reunion.
One of my favorite accounts is that of Mei Li. Hers is a story that convinces us that no matter what we have or don’t have, our command is to fulfill the Great Commission. Tim puts it this way:
“…a person who is drowning can’t wait for a boat to be built to save him. These believers are just diving in, knowing that while they don’t have all the answers, they do have the ultimate answer—it’s the radical rescue work of the gospel!”
That’s just one of many unforgettable stories you’ll find among others from places like Cambodia, Ethiopia, Armenia, and England. These are the accounts of ordinary people, just like you and I who, through the transformative power of God bring encouragement to the entire church to bear witness for the Gospel.
Why this Book is Important
A Company of Heroes (affiliate link) is an important book at this time, especially in the Western church. The case for Missions is quite strong among many congregations and yet there are an alarming number of Christians who are absolutely unaware.
Tim’s book is part travel diary and journal entries where you’ll get a real sense of what it takes to travel or live in some of the hard to reach places for the sake of the Gospel.
This matters a lot because in every one of the stories, you’ll gain an understanding as you witness the power of God at work around the world. And that’s a big deal because you, I, and every follower of Christ has a role to play in taking the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. Because of that, A Company of Heroes (affiliate link) is a book that I recommend to any Christian at any stage in their walk with the Lord.
You’ll find challenging realities and encouraging moments in Tim’s book, but don’t just walk away from it: go make disciples near or far. Find a missionary to pray for, encourage, and support.
About Tim Keesee
Tim Keesee is the founder and executive director of Frontline Missions International, which has served to advance the gospel in some of the world’s most difficult places for over twenty-five years. He has traveled to more than eighty countries, reporting on the church from the former Iron Curtain countries to war-torn Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Keesee is the executive producer of the DVD documentary series Dispatches from the Front. Learn more at frontlinemissions.info.