Now I’m going to tread where I rarely go. Bear with me until the end while I get political for a moment and then mix that with religion. Who said we can’t do that, anyway? The thing I’m getting out of the way right off is, though my convictions would lean more towards Republican, I […]
Is It Wrong to Hate Evil?
How do we reconcile the words of Christ to ‘love your enemies’ with evil acts of terrorism? Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, I’ve seen so many of my Christian friends begin to wrestle with the evil of terrorism in the light of responding lovingly and prayerfully, without hate or anger. Is it wrong to […]
Starbucks, Christmas, and Red Cups
Do you remember the outrageous so-called evangelist who created controversy over the infamous Starbucks Christmas Red Cups? I won’t even dignify this attention seeking self-proclaimed “social media personality” with a link to his ridiculous YouTube video or to his website, but if you want to go find him yourself his name is Joshua Feuerstein. Stop it already Christians, […]
Doing Good is Not Enough
Security breeches and identity theft have become common. So much that you’re probably not shocked to hear when even more than half a million people are impacted. Well, some time ago, there was a leak at a site called Ashley Madison. That is a service that facilitates what they call “affairs and discreet married dating.“ […]
Are We Living in Post-Christian America?
After having been inspired by a friend’s question concerning sin and societal acceptance, I previously wrote about it. Writing that article shed some light on the landscape of Christianity in America today, which further came to my realization after having lived in Europe for 3 years and returning to find America at a well-defined crossroad. […]
7 Biblical Ways to Respond to Same Sex Marriage with Truth and Grace
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 29, 2015, and has been updated in 2025 to provide fresh insights and relevant guidance for today’s context while maintaining its Biblical foundation. While cultural conversations continue to evolve, our commitment to Biblical truth expressed with grace remains unchanged. As with every topic I address, the […]