- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
- Available in: Hardcover, Leathersoft
- ISBN: 978-0785233251
- Published: July 7, 2020
I received the Abide Bible NET, the Abide Isaiah, and the Abide James Bible Journals for free as a member of the Thomas Nelson Bibles Blogger Program. I am providing an honest and unbiased review. Note: this review contains affiliate links.
Engaging Scripture Beyond Daily Reading
There are times when someone will tell me how their daily Bible reading has lost its impact. Every Christian experiences seasons where engaging with God’s Word feels like a task. When that happens, we often need a fresh approach.
That’s where The Abide Bible and The Abide Bible Journals can be a tremendous help. Contemplating, journaling, imagining, and praying through Scripture become catalysts for those spiritually dry seasons. These resources can lead you into a more satisfying and fulfilling encounter with God’s Word.
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The Abide Bible
When I receive a Bible to review, I dive into it with the hope of finding new ways to experience and understand God’s Word. My goal is to help you discover Scripture resources that will inspire and support your spiritual growth, just as they have for me.
Discovering this Bible has transformed my daily Scripture reading. This incredible resource not only presents the Word of God but also offers innovative tools that have deepened my engagement and connection with the text. If you’re looking for a Bible that will inspire and enhance your spiritual journey, The Abide Bible is a must-have.

The tools and resources provided by The Abide Bible set this edition apart from others. They are especially helpful when you’re seeking a fresh approach to reading Scripture.
At the beginning of each book, you will find an introduction that includes the book’s timeless message, themes, and details about its author.
While many Bibles offer similar features, it’s always helpful to gain different insights. The Abide Bible provides thorough yet not overwhelming introductions.
Where the book introductions end however, you’ll encounter the unique features that truly make this Bible stand out.
Transform Your Reading with Abide Tools
The Abide Bible provides a set of prompts designed to help you engage more thoughtfully with Scripture. The editors call these “Scripture engagement practices” and when you put them to use they become helpful guides to interacting with God’s word.
The five prompts are Contemplate, Journal, Picture It, Praying Scripture, and Engage Through Art.

Embracing the Abide Bible Practices
Having resources at your fingertips is one thing; putting them into practice is another. The Abide Bible makes it tremendously simple to deepen your time in God’s word.
Explore what The Abide Bible offers and see how its features can deepen your time in Scripture too. I’m calling these prompts “the 5 treasures of the Abide Bible.”
1. Contemplate
The writers of the Psalms and Proverbs often instruct us to meditate, or to contemplate on God’s word. Contemplating on the passages you’re reading can help you discover fresh and impactful ways to apply Scripture to your life. The Abide Bible helps you to slow down and to ask questions that lead you to natural application of God’s truth.
2. Journal
Regardless of which form of journaling suits you best, engaging in it with Scripture helps you internalize the text, reflect on it, and act on its message. In The Abide Bible, the journaling sections guide you to focus, reflect, and respond honestly to God’s Word.
3. Picture It
This is a fresh way to engage with Scripture. Each Picture It prompt encourages you to place yourself in the time, place, and events of the text. Going beyond simple imagination, this practice helps you to participate in God’s stories and letters.
4. Praying Scripture
While not a new approach, praying Scripture is essential for hearing from God through His Word. The Bible is given to us to facilitate a personal relationship with God, and the Praying Scripture prompts guide you in approaching the Lord through various texts of Scripture.
5. Engage Through Art
A unique feature of this Bible is the Engage Through Art prompt, which I haven’t found anywhere else. Visually engaging with Scripture makes sense—after all, Jesus often taught in parables and illustrations, and many of the Prophets’ writings are highly visual. You will discover significant works of art through paintings, photos, and sculptures to help you discover spiritual parallels in your own life.

The Abide Bible Journals
An additional resource for contemplative study is The Abide Bible Journals. These well-crafted journals are available individually or in sets and contain the text for each book of the Bible, along with journal pages to record your thoughts and reflections.

At first, it may seem redundant to pair these journals with The Abide Bible. While they can certainly be used effectively on their own, the contemplative Bible study method is strengthened when these tools are combined.

The journals maintain the five-prompt system of Contemplate, Journal, Picture It, Praying Scripture, and Engage Through Art. The Abide Bible adds additional resources, such as engaging art imagery, while the journals provide space to record your reflections. Bringing these resources together offers you a remarkable set of tools to grow in God’s Word through contemplative study.

Transform Your Bible Study Today
In conclusion, The Abide Bible and its accompanying journals provide a powerful and unique approach to Scripture engagement. With thoughtfully designed prompts and additional resources like art imagery, these tools can transform your daily Bible study into a deeper, more meaningful experience. If you’re seeking to grow in your faith and connect with God’s Word in a fresh, impactful way, I highly recommend adding The Abide Bible and Journals to your collection. Order your copy today and start your journey towards a more contemplative and enriching spiritual life.