- Available in: Paperback, Kindle
- Published: November 15, 2016
I received A Man Who Told Us the Truth in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Author and Pastor (and avid hiker) Will Davis Jr called this book “a Christian book for non-Christians.” While that may be true, Christians can gain much from this look into the Jesus of John’s Gospel.
Most importantly, A Man Who Told Us the Truth dives head first into the greatest question any human could ask: “What is truth?” The answer to that question is the very foundation of Christianity and A Man Who Told Us the Truth will give reason for deep discussion and deeper thoughts about very specific truths about God, Christianity, Jesus, and life and death.
For the non-Christian
Since it appears that this is Mr. Davis’ intended audience, I’d like to begin here.
If you are not a believer in or follower of Jesus Christ but you desire to know more about Him, A Man Who Told Us the Truth is a great place to start.
Will Davis Jr. has written this in a straightforward and unassuming way. You might even feel like he’s having a conversation with you not necessarily in favor of Jesus, but more so about Jesus.
For the person who does not call themselves Christian, this is a refreshing approach. A Man Who Told Us the Truth is not simply some sermon piece preaching Jesus with a bull horn. Rather, this is a conversation about the life of Christ and who Jesus claimed to be. Mr. Davis provides more than adequate references and resources to provide a foundation for what he (and Jesus) claim to be true.
For the non-Christian, I believe this book shines in addressing your honest questions about Christ with candid and sincere answers. You may particularly find the chapter I Am: The Truth About Himself most helpful.
Paperback (affiliate link) Kindle (affiliate link)
For the Christian
If you struggle with having conversations about Jesus with non-Christians, then A Man Who Told Us the Truth could be a tremendous resource for you.
This book can help to facilitate meaningful conversations about both the humanity and the divinity of Jesus. This is a particularly important topic to learn to communicate to an unbelieving world because without the dual nature of Christ, we have no Savior.
A Man Who Told Us the Truth will not only help you to understand that great truth better, but will help you to communicate it more clearly. This book is one to be read, highlighted, read again, and given away.
Discussion Guide
There is a discussion guide (affiliate link) to go along with A Man Who Told Us the Truth. What a great benefit this would be for facilitating small group studies to better equip Christians to communicate about Jesus. It could easily double as a guide to help steer discussions with non-Christians who are open to looking more deeply into the life of Christ.
Additionally, there is a set of discussion guide video introductions (affiliate link) that Will Davis Jr. has made available.
About Will Davis Jr.
Will Davis, Jr. is the founding and Senior Pastor of Austin Christian Fellowship, a nondenominational church in Austin, Texas, where he has served since 1993. Will is a Baylor University graduate and holds Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Will and his wife Susie, both natives of Austin, Texas, have been married since June of 1985 and have three children.
Will is the author of nine books. In his free time, Will enjoys hiking and snowshoeing. He is currently attempting to climb all 54 of the 14,000-foot mountains in Colorado.
You can learn more about Will and his ministry at willdavisjr.com and acfellowship.org.