Politics and faith are often discouraged in the same sentence. Yet in times of political change and social division, many people are caught up in the zeal and fervor of candidates and elections. Yard signs sprout like weeds, social media feeds become battlegrounds, and conversations with friends and family teeter on the edge of divisiveness. […]
The Politics of Unity and Division
“Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” -Jesus, Luke 12:51 In 2016, what feels like a lifetime ago by now, I was listening to the news on the radio. I had been struck by the comments by Reince Priebus, then chairman of the […]
Absent: Leaving Social Media
As I have been taking some time to pray about and contemplate how to write to you about the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation, among other subjects, I’ve also been working behind the scenes on things concerning my website and it’s impact on you. I have been in the process of leaving social […]
Is Political Ideology Killing the Church?
Now I’m going to tread where I rarely go. Bear with me until the end while I get political for a moment and then mix that with religion. Who said we can’t do that, anyway? The thing I’m getting out of the way right off is, though my convictions would lean more towards Republican, I […]